When you have any suggestion about the new shoes that you would like me to review on, you can e-mail me on pherlambang1991@gmail.com. I would do my best to get the most accurate information of the shoes including prices and all the details. I would also give the best recommendation to match the shoes and the outfit that would be good on you. When you have a private question about the specific outfit that can suit to you. Do not hesitate to send me an e-mail and I will give my best to reply to you as soon as possible!
If you have any inquiries on putting advertisements on my blog, just send the enquirers to my e-mail on pherlambang1991@gmail.com. Please specify on the subject like FASHION TELLER ADS. Not only that, please specify your name, contact number, e-mail and what is the advertisement about. Before you get an approval, you will have to give me 3 days to review what is the advertisement about.
Feel Free to Contact me on:
Twitter: @patcia
Facebook: Patricia Herlambang
Line: patriciaherlambang
email: pherlambang1991@gmail.com
Best Regards,
Patricia Herlambang
Blogger for Fashion Teller